Happy New Year Eco Travellers!
I hope you’ve had an amazing 2015 and have had the opportunity to add lots of wonderful travel memories to your bank of good times past. Wishing eco travellers everywhere a Happy New Year and safe travels in 2016.
I hope you’ve had an amazing 2015 and have had the opportunity to add lots of wonderful travel memories to your bank of good times past. Wishing eco travellers everywhere a Happy New Year and safe travels in 2016.
Male Bowerbirds decorate their nests with bright blue objects in an attempt to nab the perfect partner. But what did they do before blue plastic was invented?
Deftly walking along the raised grassy paths between the paddies, the girls sauntered through the fields as if they’d done it a hundred times before while I wondered who was going to be the first one to get wet.
Melbourne resident Alex Cherney has spent years capturing the beauty of the Milky Way over southern Australia in a series of photographs and timelapse videos, showing just how impressive the skies can be in this part of the world.
With many new buildings, especially those a community hold dear, there is always a settling period before people grow fond of them. I didn’t need that.