Festivals the world over are adopting more sustainable tactics, or dedicating entire festivals to being green. If you’re in their neck of the woods while on your travels, why not get a ticket and join the festivities?
Hello, and welcome to Verdemode. If you’re looking for Eco Traveller Guide, don’t worry, you’re in the right place we’ve just had a rebrand. But you’ll still find lots of eco travel content here, along with features about sustainable living, ethical business and green design. Please stay and have a look around. So why Verdemode? In a nutshell: Verde :: means green in Spanish (we have a soft spot for all things español). Mode :: a way in which something is expressed or done; a way of operating, living or behaving. The long version: Aside from eco travel, we want to offer you more. More sustainable living features and advice. More fascinating innovations in green design, and more news about how sustainability and ethics are changing the face of business. Sustainability is hard to ignore these days. It’s everywhere. And while some people roll their eyes at the idea of it, you know they’re secretly searching for ways they too can make little changes in their lives to make a big impact on the way …