All posts filed under: Business

stop greenwashing

How to Avoid Greenwashing in Business

Did you know 81% of global consumers want brands to be more sustainable? It’s evident that people really want to buy more eco-friendly products, so companies have adjusted and updated their practices to meet customers in the middle. This switch hasn’t always been genuine, though. Some businesses have instead jumped on the eco bandwagon without making their company or products truly green; this is known as greenwashing. Take a look at how you can, and why you should, avoid greenwashing in business.

rebranding my blog

Why I’m Rebranding My Blog and Tips on How You Can Do it Too

If you’ve come here looking for Eco Traveller Guide, don’t worry, you’re in the right place. We’ve just had a change of name. Read on to find out why. When I started Eco Traveller way back in 2011, I was certain what direction the blog would take. There would be destination guides, gear guides, and maybe a print magazine at some point. I had so many plans. I’d been writing about eco travel for other websites for years before I started Eco Traveller Guide. In fact, as of 2019, I’ve been writing about ecotourism for 12 years. Can’t believe it’s been that long. And I still love writing about the subject and maintain the same passion I’ve always had. But I’ve been keen to change direction of the blog for a long time. I’ve just had to find the courage to do it. I tell ya, it’s not been an easy decision. Hells no.