62 Search Results for: sustainable travel

Eco Travel and Ecotourism Definition

Eco travel encompasses all the varients of ecotourism and green travel. So whether it’s responsible travel, sustainable tourism, ethical tourism or culturally aware travel, they all fall under the same umbrella of eco travel. So, in essence, anyone who prefers to travel the green way is an eco traveller.

stop greenwashing

How to Avoid Greenwashing in Business

Did you know 81% of global consumers want brands to be more sustainable? It’s evident that people really want to buy more eco-friendly products, so companies have adjusted and updated their practices to meet customers in the middle. This switch hasn’t always been genuine, though. Some businesses have instead jumped on the eco bandwagon without making their company or products truly green; this is known as greenwashing. Take a look at how you can, and why you should, avoid greenwashing in business.